Friday, September 28, 2007

चिट्ठाजगत ChitthaJagat Hindi Aggregator

This Blog Hindi  Blogsphere, Has Moved to a new
URL [] where
it is appropriately named




Kindly go the new URL for all articles posted on this website
and also for the new articles





[चिट्ठाकारी चालू हुई अंग्रेजी से, लेकिन अब यह कई भाषाओं में पहुंच गई है. प्रस्तुत है हिन्दी का एक एग्रीगेटर-परिचय]

Though Blogs started only in English world, the addition of Unicode non English fonts in the latest versions of the Windows operating system has brought a flood of blogging in Non English languages. Hindi is one of the fastest growing languages in Blogsphere.

There are three major aggregators in Hindi. Narad is the oldest one and the father of Hindi blogging revolution. The latest one is Blogvani.  Technologically the strongest player is ChitthaJagat and the name is the Hindi equivalent of Blogsphere.

The process of registration is almost fully automated, and it takes very little time to get on to this aggregator and being seen by the world. In fact the engine starts the process of aggregation as soon as it gets the URL of a new Hindi blog. The author can claim it soon after that. As I write, it represents about 1100 Hindi blogs.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

सारथी हिन्दी चिट्ठा

(सारथी हिन्दी चिट्ठा मुश्किल से पांच महीना पुराना है, लेकिन इतने समय में यह बहुत प्रसिद्ध हो गया है)

The Hindi Blogsphere is blessed with over 1000 blogs today (2007), and is growing at an exponential rate. By 2010 the number would stand around 50,000. All specializations are gradually being covered, and we will introduce the good blogs to you one by one.

Of these, Sarathi is my own flagship Hindi blog. It started functioning in April, and in less than 6 months it gets more than 100,000 hits and close to 40,000 page-reads every month. The word Sarathi literally means "the person who pilots a chariot". In Hindi it also has many symbolic meanings and overall it represents a person who leads one from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge, and from falsehood to truth.

Sarathi usually publishes 3 articles a day, one by me and two are selected from the Hindi Blogsphere. Kindly visit Sarathi today itself.

हिन्दी ब्लॉगस्फियर क्यों Why A Blog Like This ?

(हिन्दुस्तान में अंग्रेजी जानने वालों की कमी नहीं है, लेकिन इसके बावजूद गैरहिन्दुस्तानियों को हिन्दी सीखने का श्रम जरूर करना चाहिये).

 Shastri JC Philip_Stamp Hindi is gradually becoming the most important language for education, commerce, and international relations. Indians ignore it at their peril. Non Indians ignore it at a greater peril because if they really want to have any kind of serious transaction with Indians (economic, cultural, social), they should speak the language dear to the heart of the majority of Indians.

Imagine trying to use Hindi in USA, China, or Japan. It would be foolish. In the same way, trying to use English alone to relate with Indians would be foolish for any non Indian nation.

One of the best ways to get the pulse of the Hindi world is the Hindi blogsphere. At present it is represented by slightly more than 1000 blogs, but by 2010 it would surely surpass 50,000 Hindi blogs on all subjects conceivable -- and inconceivable. Hindi Blogsphere aims to introduce and initiate non Hindi people to the world of Hindi Blogsphere. Do not forget to bookmark this blog, lest you miss an important tool in your hand -- Shastri JC Philip